
mate of your wit
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          JSR-94 TCK




Witmate 100% passed the JSR-94 Test Compatibility Kit (TCK) 1.0a and 1.1 edition.

These are the steps to replay the test in your environment, as a learning case of Witmate.


Optional Preparation for TCK1.0a: Download java JRE1.4.1_02 from http://java.sun.com/products/archive/index.html and install it. The reason to use JRE1.4.1_02 is the standard version of JRE for JSR94 TCK1.0a is 1.4.1_02. It is OK to use any higher version JRE, but you will get some warnings that say your JRE platform is different with 1.4.1_02 in TCK report. TCK1.1 need NOT this step.


Step 1. Download JSR94 TCK1.0a from http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/final/jsr094/index.html or TCK1.1 from http://www.javarules.org/jsr94/jsr94-1.1.zip, and unzip to your hard disk, for example c:\jsr94-1.0 or c:\jsr94-1.1


Step 2. Unzip the Witmate release zip file, and copy witpeel.xxx.jar, witcore-all.xxx.jar into the lib directory of your TCK installation , for example c:\jsr94-1.0\lib. The xxx is the version number of Witmate that you downloaded.


Step 3. Replace the tck.conf  for 1.0a or tck.conf for 1.1 configure file in the lib directory with the file with same name from witmate.


Step 4. Replace Ant configuration file run_tck.xml in your TCK home, for example c:\jsr94-1.0, with run_tck.xml of Witmate test case. Open run_tck.xml with any text editor, and search "witpeel", "witcore-all" to check whether the version number is same as your download. If not, fix them to the version number of your download.


Step 5. Replace tck_res_1.xml and tck_res_2.xml rule files in the lib directory of your TCK installation , for example c:\jsr94-1.0\lib, with tck_res_1.xml for 1.0a / tck_res_1.xml for 1.1 and tck_res_2.xml for 1.0a / tck_res_2.xml for 1.1 Simple Logic Markup Language (SLML) rule files of Witmate test case.


Step 6. Download witTckOpt.jar for 1.0a / witTckOpt.jar for 1.1 and copy into the lib directory of your TCK installation, for example c:\jsr94-1.0\lib.


Step 7. Download log4j-1.2.9.jar or higher version log4j, and copy into the lib directory of your TCK installation , for example c:\jsr94-1.0\lib.


Step 8. Start a command console and change current directory to your TCK home, for example c:\jsr94-1.0.

Step 9 for TCK 1.0a. Set Java home to a j2re1.4.1 folder or any JRE you use, for example "set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.1_02". TCK 1.1 need NOT this step.


Step 10. Run the JSR-94 TCK with the command: .\ant\bin\ant -f run_tck.xml


Check repot. View the HTML report of the JSR-94 TCK in reports directory of your TCK installation, for example c:\jsr94-1.0\reports\index.html.

Optional Step: Download tck_res_1.sl for 1.0a / tck_res_1.sl for 1.1 and tck_res_2.sl for 1.0a / tck_res_2.sl for 1.1 Simple Logic language (SL) rule files to check how easy to define the logics for TCK test cases. The tck_res_1.xml and tck_res_2.xml are compiled directly from tck_res_1.sl and tck_res_2.sl with SLCompiler, because JSR-94 TCK can only load logics by XML format. This is a good application example of Multiple logic description formats feature of Witmate.


* What's different between TCK1.0a and TCK1.1: The major differentiation between 1.0a and 1.1 is that 1.1 changed model (Customer and Invoice) from classes to implementations of interfaces. So class names of variables Def commands need to be changed from Customer/Invoice to CustomerImpl/InvoiceImpl.


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