Managing logic/rule standalone with code is
the growing up requirement of customers and
development teams.
Although there are many rule management
solutions, they are large package and
require big platform to execute with an
expensive price, or come from research
projects that they are difficult to be used
by real world programmers and difficult to
be understood by fields experts/customers.
Witmate is the answer to these hard
Witmate support well the real world
programmers by its advantaged/flexible
architecture and standard support. Witmate
is the only one engine executable from
mobile device(J2ME)
bundles to enterprise system
(J2SE/J2EE) to support any types of
application developments. XML support,
Simple Logic Markup Language (SLML), gives
Witmate the power to integrate smoothly with
modern enterprise systems.
Witmate easier the logic/rule
creation/modification by customers and
fields experts, leveraging its easy
understandable logic definition language,
Simple Logic language (SL).
Try it now by downloading a full function
evaluation edition.
more about Witmate.
Mobile and Home network environment ready:
Witmate is a mobile environment ready logic
engine. “Mobile ready” is not only figure out that
it is executable on J2ME and OSGi platform, but also support
an architecture to create, manage and update
logics through mobile/home networks. Witmate exposes a
JSR-94 like API on J2ME platform. This makes it easy
to integrate mobile devices into enterprise system,
and lower down the cost to manage and develop
systems on both of mobile and typical enterprise
Web services/SOA ready:
All runtime components of Witmate are SOAP ready.
So it's very easy to deploy Witmate into Web
services/SOA systems.
Flexible rule/logic repository:
Witmate Rule base is a RDB based rule/logic
repository solution. It supports any RDB system, and
just few tables need to be created to make it
Complete development environment:
A SDK with debugger and an full function IDE
construct a powerful environment to developers.
Witmate is compatible with JSR-94, the standard of
rule engine of java. Witmate is the only one engine
in the world that supports both of J2ME and JSR-94.
There is a API that is very close with JSR94 in Witmate core engine, so experiences of JSR-94 can be
used easily to code with core engine in mobile
environment, and size up smoothly from mobile to
enterprise environment at anytime you need. A JSR-94
Witmate cover layer implemented the standard JSR-94
in J2SE/J2EE environment for enterprise
applications. This layer passed all test cases of
JSR94 TCK (Java Rule Engine API Test Compatibility
Kit). Replay the
TCK case of Witmate
in your environment.OSGi Standard
Compatibility with OSGi Bundles make Witmate
ready to execute in home/car networks.
logic description formats:
Not like other engines that
offer only one logic description language to users to
create logics, Witmate offers 3 description formats
to users for different targets and environments.
They are:
1.Simple Logic Language (SL): An easily
understandable, human friendly language to create
logics. Without strange expressions as Prolog or
other logic expression languages, Witmate just uses
IF-THEN to express logic. Anybody can start to use
in minutes. SL also offers other expressions as
vocabulary definitions and variables definitions to
make the communications between IT team and fields
experts more smoothly. This is the best format to
create and modify logics by experts themselves or
together with IT team.
2.Simple Logic Markup Language (SLML): A
XML format of logics. It is a Witmate edition logic
ML. SLML is designed to get
balance of readability and compact XML string size,
so it is not cost to send SLML through a mobile
network. This is the best format to create/manage
logics by computers, and exchange logics among
computers or software components.
(WS): A text based stream format of logics. This
is Witmate special format; no another engine offers
this type format of logics. This format is very
compact, normally one of third of length of XML
format. As a very compact text stream, WitStream
can be exchanged through any mobile or fixed
networks, can be saved into any storages as Data
Bases, Files or stick memories, or even printed on
paper as back up (Paper back up still is the last
approach for very important data as forms of
insurances). WitStream is the best format to
exchange/broadcast logics through mobile networks,
and save/retrieve logics to/from database or any
Logic Set FiringLogic sets in Witmate
can fire other logic sets at runtime. This makes it
easier to describe complex logics. With logic set
firing, Witmate can execute logics as status machine
to solute much more complex problems than normal
single logic set approach.High
Leveraging advantaged system structure and logic
optimization, Witmate offers high performance on
mobile and enterprise environment. Over 200
thousands compares and processes can be done in
second by Witmate even on a typical thin
PC (1GHz CPU, 1G RAM). Concerning the fact that any cache system has
its limit for certain environment, Witmate has an
optional cache component.
It is possible to get high performance for any
environments by configuring and open/close Witmate
cache. Refer
Performance Compare of
JSR94 engines Part1 and
Performance Compare of
JSR94 engines Part2 for details.Small footprint:Very small memory and CPU
usage makes Witmate can execute on very weak mobile
devices. Refer
Performance Compare of
JSR94 engines Part1 and
Performance Compare of
JSR94 engines Part2 for details.Scalability:
Witmate system is separated into several JAR files;
so different target applications only deploy the
parts they need. To deploy Witmate easily on enterprise environment, an
all in one core JAR file is offered. |